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BeReal: Oxford Earth Science Edition

BeReal is one of my favourite forms of social media, nothing gets my friends and I more excited than a BeReal notification during a particularly exciting practical or good day in the field. Also nothing is better than seeing my parents daily BeReals. Very wholesome content, I fully encourage everyone to convince their parents to download the app.

BeStudy: Because the reality of being a woman in STEM means most of my BeReals are me trying to get that STEM content into my brain.

BeLibrary: Oxford has many libraries, I spend a lot of my time in them (see Rating the Oxford Libraries).

BePractical: Earth Science practicals (particularly ones involving microscopes) are a great opportunity for a cheeky BeReal.

BeLecture: Taking a BeReal in a lecture is risky business but that doesn't mean it hasn't been done.

BeField: Arguably some of my best BeReal content has been taken in the field, a major perk of the degree.

BeSport: Proof of life outside the library and that Oxford isn't just about the degree!


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