Another year down, and the end of 2024 marks two years of Lets Chalk About It being in existence. 2024 has yet again been a year filled with geology, and a lot of it documented on here.
I'm proud of myself for keeping this blog up for another year. There was a number of hiatuses in the posting (coinciding with busy points in term) but I have explored all sorts of topics from The Breakthrough Listen Project to the geology of Wadi Showka, from eternal flames to hydrogen fuel, and even a review of my favourite Oxford coffee shops thrown in there, a lot of which I have sat at to write these articles.
I have also continued in my role as News Editor for the Oxford Scientist, alongside writing more articles for the website. Highlights of my writing this year include a piece about gender equality in physics (based on a BBC World Service Live interview at the Oxford Literary Festival), a piece about the potential of power to liquid fuels in making aviation more sustainable (after an interview with the CEO of Oxford spinout company OXCCU), and news articles covering all my favourite topics from space travel to chocolate!
Over the Easter vac I was lucky enough to intern with the Oxford Earth Science communications and outreach team where I worked on creating and populating the new website which is now live for all to see. It was great fun and I learnt a lot about website design and creation in the processes (hopefully some skills I can transfer over to this little blog project).
Outside of science communication, 2024 was a big year for my degree. I finished my third year, technically the end of my undergrad, including handing in my infamous mapping project, alongside the writing and handing in my extended essay that explored the question "What is the most likely environment for extra-terrestrial microbial life in the solar system?". I love essay writing, and the topic reignited my passion for space and planetary science after a quick blip with thinking I couldn't do physics well enough to study the topic (turns out I can). I also got to explore the topic with the youth group at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History which was really fun. Outreach and inspiring the next generation of Earth Scientists is very close to my heart so it was an opportunity I am very grateful for. They also asked some great questions about the topic of extraterrestrial life, even things I hadn't really thought about before.
At the end of last year I sat another set of exams (not very exciting), and achieved a first class result in my third year, earning the upgrade of a scholars gown from my commoners gown which I was very chuffed with (see image below). I worked really hard for these exams so I'm very proud of myself and hopefully can continue this onto my fourth year!
Post exams in my commoners gown (no sleeves) then in my way to formal this term in my scholars gown (big sleeves).
Speaking of fourth year, I started my master's project this year, which I have detailed all about in a recent post. I'm excited to continue this over the next two terms and hopefully graduate this summer, earning my MEarthSci. I can't wait for the final year of my degree, and whatever comes post masters (too soon to know right now).
Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2025 can be one to remember!